
Scholarship Program

Merit Based
Fee Discount

Empowering Talented Studnets

Helping underprivileged

Social Impact

Merit Based Scholarship

Scholarship benefits are offered to our meritorious students on the basis of better university examination results and internal test performance. Also, tuition fee exemption benefits are provided to some economically deprived students or students of weaker sections and also the survivors of martyrs as a support up to 50% to promote higher education in our state

Student Credit Card Scheme

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme under DRCC:

Many students of our college have so far availed the financial facility of DRCC scheme. Ensuring that student do not stop studying due to lack of finances Oxford Business College help them to take advantage of Bihar student credit card scheme under DRCC for 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 and also in future as well.